YÖS International Student Exam

Foreign Student Exam (YOS) is an examination organized by universities for foreign students who want to study in higher education institutions in Turkey and its results can use for admission to these universities. If you are an international student who has graduated at least from high school, you can apply for the International Students Exam. […]

Questions and Answers by National Immigration Administration Concerning Immigration and Exit-Entry Administration during the Period of Prevention and Control on Pneumonia caused by Novel Coronavirus

一、疫情防控期间外国人是否可以正常出入境? 答:疫情发生后,中国政府采取了一系列的有力应对措施。习近平总书记指出,我们完全有信心、有能力打赢这场疫情防控阻止战。目前,除武汉口岸关闭离汉通道外,我国口岸签证机关仍正常运转,外国人过境免签政策未作调整,各陆、海、空口岸继续对外开放运转,外国人可凭有效的出境入境证件正常出入境。 目前情况下减少人员跨境流动有助于有效防控疫情。外国人可根据实际合理安排来华行程,外国人可继续在华停留居留。对于确需出境的外国人,鉴于部分国家和地区已针对疫情实施相应的入境管制措施,建议提前了解清楚目的地国家或地区对人员入境的规定和做法,避免因无法入境造成费用和时间损失;前往国家、地区允许入境的,应当提前到达出境口岸,留出足够时间接受相关部门检查;已经出现发热并伴有咳嗽、呼吸困难等急性呼吸道感染症状的,不应进行国际旅行,应当立即就近接受诊治,并如实向有关管理人员说明近期活动和密切接触人员等情况,以便有关部门迅速采取排查措施。 I. Question: Are foreigners allowed to entry or exit as usual during the period of epidemic prevention and control? Answer: The Chinese government has taken a series of strong measures since the outbreak of pneumonia caused by novel coronavirus. As President Xi Jinping stated, China has full confidence and capability to win[…..]

Precaution for Corona Virus Infection

The new coronavirus discovered this time (the World Health Organization has named it “2019-nCoV,” the 2019 new coronavirus “) can infect human, and it is coming from infected animals, as SARS coronavirus and MERS coronavirus. The new coronavirus discovered this time is different from SARS and MERS coronaviruses, but is not expressing the terrible characteristics[…..]

Déclaration de Flexyclass sur le coronavirus

Alors que la situation à Wuhan, en Chine évolue, je voulais vous informer des mesures prises par Flexyclass afin d’assurer la sécurité et le bien-être de tous nos étudiants en Chine. Bien que le risque en dehors de la région touchée soit actuellement évalué comme faible, nous prenons cette question très au sérieux et mettons[…..]